SEO & Digital Marketing Glossary: Terms You Should Know || Marketing Terms|| #seo #digitalmarketing

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Terms and definitions from all courses
For SEO And Digital Marketing

404 page: A URL that tells the visitor that the webpage does not exist
A/B testing: A method of testing where two versions of content with a single differing variable are compared to determine which yields better results.
(Sure! A/B testing is a way to compare two versions of something, like a webpage or email, to see which one works better. You change just one thing between the two versions and then see which version gets better results.
Type: Testing method
Tools: Google Optimize, Optimizely, WordPress, Shopify )
Abandoned cart: When a potential customer adds an item to their cart, but doesn’t complete the purchase.
(Abandoned cart: When someone adds things to their online shopping cart but leaves without buying them.
Type: E-commerce behavior
Tools: Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento )
Abandoned cart email: A follow-up email sent to customers who added an item to their cart but didn’t complete the purchase.
(Abandoned cart email: An email sent to remind customers about items left in their online shopping cart when they didn't finish buying them.

Type: Marketing communication
Tools: Email marketing platforms like Mailchimp, Klaviyo, or built-in features in e-commerce platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce.)
Accessibility: Considering the needs of people with disabilities when products, services, and facilities are built or modified, making them usable by people of all abilities.
(Accessibility: Making sure that things like websites, buildings, or services are designed or changed in a way that everyone, including people with disabilities, can easily use them.
Type: Design principle
Tools: Accessibility checkers like Axe, WAVE, or built-in accessibility features in design and development tools like Adobe XD, Figma, or Visual Studio.)

#seo #seotips #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketingagency
E commerce Wordpress
Digital Marketing Glossary: Terms You Should Know, What is SEO and How Does it Work? | Types of SEO | Search Engine Optimization Full Information, marketing terms

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