How to Generate Leads on LinkedIn

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LinkedIn is a social network for professionals to connect, share, and learn. LinkedIn allows users to create profiles and networks of connections similar to other social networks, but with a focus on business and professional relationships.
It’s like Facebook but more on connecting with people to advance your career.
In this training, we will go over how to properly craft your profile and also strategies for generating consistent leads on the platform.

David D. Simons is a Mediapreneur who utilizes his off line and online skills to promote brands, increase businesses, support causes, and build relationships. His passion and excitement for media has attracted the likes of Fortune 500 companies, non-profits, churches, and entrepreneurs. David is the CEO of Kingdom Social Media, which is an organization designed to help influential leaders and leading organizations dominate their market online through social media marketing. David has been recognized by, Dell Computers, Yahoo, Xerox Corporation, Huffington Post, and Hootsuite for his strategies in social media.
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