How to Generate Leads on LinkedIN for B2B Businesses (5 Step LinkedIN Lead Generation Strategy)

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How to Generate Leads on LinkedIN for B2B Businesses (5 Step LinkedIN Lead Generation Strategy):

LinkedIn is a gold mine when it comes to generating B2B leads. You can filter decision makers by company, by location, by the different industries, by different interests. And a lot of B2B businesses are not really paying attention to LinkedIn. So I'm going to give you five steps to start generating leads on LinkedIn.

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Number one, you have to have a value proposition or an offer that is hard to resist. For example, at Optimum7, we sell specific services to eCommerce businesses and those eCommerce businesses could be on Shopify or Bigcommerce or Magenta.

So if I want to get the attention of a decision maker, which is a business owner or a C-level, an eCommerce business that does over $10 million in annual revenue, I might create a 2022 guide in eCommerce for example, or I might do a Shopify conversion optimization checklist, or top five Shopify functionalities explained. And when I create this offer, I have to have a landing page that supports that offer.

Step two, once I have the value proposition and the landing page, I want to select my audience. Now on the LinkedIn ad platform, I can do that or I can actually grab a list of decision makers from a tool like PIPL or another tool like seamless and pull all the email addresses and create specific audiences that I can go after.

Step three, This is a tool that helps you create automations in connecting with people on LinkedIn and contacting them. Load up the list onto and let Meet Alfred do his thing.

Step four, cold contacting people is not enough. You have to have series of videos that support your lead magnet, which was step one, and then you want to create as to continuously target your audiences so they see your messaging. This is retargeting, and it's very, very important. It's multiple touchpoints, multiple brand touchpoints to nurture your audience. So when you contact them, they don't feel like you are a stranger. They've already been watching your videos.

Step five is email automation. You have to use a tool like Lemlist or another drip campaign tool like MailThem, so that yes, you are contacting them and targeting them on LinkedIn, but you have to also do that through email. Bonus step six, if you want to really differentiate the way you do this, you add SMS as well as voicemail drops to this funnel.

Now we practice what we preach. We actually have a specific process written down that highlights and explains all of these six steps. If you want access to this, contact us, and we're happy to guide you in the right direction.

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00:00 - Introduction
00:18 Step 1 - Value Proposition and Landing Page
00:59 Step 2 - Select Your Audience
01:21 Step 3 -
01:34 Step 4 - Retargeting
02:02 Step 5 - eMail Automation

#Optimum7 #DevelopmentAgency #LeadGeneration #LinkedIN #linkedintips #linkedinstrategy


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