EBE24 - Welcome to the ecommerce/retail sharktank - here comes your survival guide

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Check out this recording from the E-commerce Berlin Expo 2024 conference for valuable insights and discussions.

Speaker: Anna Rüde, Consulting Manager - Lead New Business & AI Transformation, Artefact
Joachim Sontag, Partner Consulting, Artefact
Christian Leihner, Head of eCommerce Customer Strategy, Unilever Deutschland

Full title: Welcome to the ecommerce/retail sharktank - here comes your survival guide

Presentation description: Within half an hour you will learn more about the increasing complexity inside the eCommerce and retail world and why a data-driven approach and partnerships will be key for success in the retail field. Joachim Sontag and Anna Rüde will summarize how Artefact supports global players since years in data transformation and the implementation of AI. As a special guest, Christian Leihner will deliver insights from the corporate perspective regarding current challenges and possible solutions for retailers.


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Mark your calendars for the 9th edition of the E-commerce Berlin Expo: join us for two full days of exploration, learning, and connection on February 19-20th, 2025.
E commerce Divers
eCommerce Complexity Insights, Data-Driven Retail Strategies, Partnership Success Factors

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